mobile sculpture with blue and green traces, r p , sculpture acier, 70 x 35

Standing plate-iron with red traces 1, r p , sculpture fer, 40 cm


Connected steel wings, r p , sculpture acier, 45 x 60 cm

Traces on moving iron plates, r p, moving steel sculpture, 85 x 49 cm

Diapason with Metal Traces, r  p , sculpture acier, 80 cm


 Day and Night Evolution, r p , sculpture acier 183 cm

 Finition de Day and Night Evolution

 Steel Traces on Revolving Blocks, r  p, sculpture mobile acier, 80 x 50. cm

Dialectical movements in the blue

Steel Traces Rotating in the Emptiess, r p , mobile sculpture en acier 175 cm

Ce-ci ce n’est pas une boite d’allumettes, r  p , techniques mixtes acier et acrylique sur papier